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Benefits Of Joining Blogs About Stories About Our Family History

Are you interested in understanding your family history? According to Marcus Garvey, people without the knowledge of their history is like a tree without roots. Therefore, there is a need for people to ensure that they understand their origins. In fact, the entire October month is usually dedicated to understanding, persevering and sharing our past. Some people do not know their roots; they farthest history they understand is the one about their parents only; they do not even know their grandparents. Luckily, these days, their strategies that have been put into place that can help people to identify themselves with their family history. Today, their blogs are available where people can share information about their past family history. However, some people are yet to understand why they need to understand heir family history. There are various reasons why there is a need to understand the family history.

One of the benefits is that it helps to identify ourselves. Understanding our cultural backgrounds helps us to relate with our ancestors and thus help us establish unique and authentic core identity. The second advantage of understanding our family history is for connection. The human being is social beings, and they want to belong somewhere. Therefore, as people are connecting with people that lived in the past, we also create an opportunity for people to connect with us in the future. The third reason why understanding our family history is essential is because it helps us o be compassionate. When people understand their family history, they can know the challenges that people had to face, these challenges and the mistakes make us more compassionate, which can be translated in today’s world, where people understand each other better thus becoming better people in our families, jobs and when relating with others.

The fourth benefit of understanding our past is that it creates resilience. Through reading the past failures and hardships that people had to overcome it helps people to be more resilient to understand that not everything works easily. Life is full of setbacks, and people have to overcome various challenges if they want to live a good life. The fifth advantage is that it is a sign of being selfless. Taking time to understand the story of our past can help us to become aware of our mistakes and we are finally able to live a selfless life where we focus on understanding the lives of others and not our lives only. People that have an interested with their past family history are also interested in the future; therefore, more focused on progress and success. When trying to solve an issue, it is important to first understand the past before getting into the future.

The fifth reason why there is need to know stories about our past is it helps in the growth of our self-worth. We understand our worth if we get to know the road we have traveled to get to where we are. Therefore, those people that are yet to know their family history should join a blog where people share stories about their past.

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