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Tips For Making Greek Yogurt

The best thing about milk is that there is so much you can do with it with among it being making Greek Yogurt. For this kind of yogurt it’s all about getting the process right. With some attention to detail, you will realise that it’s easy to make this yogurt. The one thing that we have in store for you as the reader is a guide that will help you end up with the best Greek Yogurt ever as the steps here are pretty simple.

Some of the ingredients are easily traceable in your nearest supermarket or grocery hence get ensure you head out for milk and live culture yoghurt. Measuring cups play a big role in the yogurt making process hence the need to ensure that you have around four of the cups. Part of the Greek Yogurt making process involves straining and the one thing that has proven to work well for those without a Greek Yogurt strainer is an old tee shirt. Also never forget to have a source pan and a whisk. Another tip that can always work for you is doing some research on Greek Yogurt, there are various blogs and chefs that have recipes that can help you on their posts.

The very first procedure is pasteurize your milk and this is a simple process that can be done under 10 minutes. To add onto the fat that you already have , take powdered milk that you might be having in the house or bought earlier on and mix it into the pasteurized milk. Hot Milk can’t be used to make Greek Yogurt hence ensure that it cools down as much as possible. At this point you will have to add the live culture yogurt. The mixture needs to be brought to 118 degrees and how this is done is by preparing the oven by turning on light and then off after a few minutes but to be certain that your mixture remains above 115 degrees is ensuring that you wrap something like a towel on the measuring cup to ensure the temperature is maintained. In 12 hours with a temperature of 118 degrees you should be having your Greek Yogurt ready.

Before you remove the yogurt from the oven always ensure that you have established whether it’s ready. The thicker the yogurt the better and it’s the straining process that determines this thickness, always use the cloth that you created from an old tee as a strainer and use a bowl to hold it and let it strain in a refrigerator. At the end of the four hours you can now lay back and have the time of your life.

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