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What you Need to Know About Colloidal Silver
The world is fast changing and people are now more open to adopting non-medicinal solutions for their health problems. One such way is through the use of supplements and non-medical treatment options for their problems. One such way is through the use of colloidal silver. A lot of people who for the colloidal silver products advocate that it is n effective way of treating various infections and diseases, for example, common cold among others. Colloidal silver is used to explain the very tiny particles that are found suspended in a liquid. They are very small such that they cannot be seen by the naked eye.
There has been a lot of claims by most people that colloidal silver can replace antibiotics and it is actually much or effective than them. For example, colloidal silver has been shown to cure Lyme disease and in some instances even HIV/AIDS. There are those that use colloidal silver as a supplement to their diet while we have those that use that for external application on the skin. The strength of the solution is determined by the number of silver particles that the liquid contains.
There are various types of colloidal silver supplements that you can choose from. However, it is always a challenge when selecting the most appropriate one because most of the brands will claim that their product is the one that has the highest PPM that is, parts per million. The higher the ppm the more concentrated the supplement is and the better effects for you as the user. There are some factors that you should pay attention to so that you can get the best. The first thing has to do with the positive charge. Scientific literature has shown that silver ions that are positively charged are the best and they are bioavailable. With this, it means that you should strive to choose a supplement that has close to 100{8d72f7a6450a7d413eacb4850deac47744465c59d7d1194aad5cb2e7b78ff2af} positive charges.
Another thing has to do with the purity rate of the supplement. You do not want a supplement that has other toxic heavy metals in it. Normally, silver cannot be 100{8d72f7a6450a7d413eacb4850deac47744465c59d7d1194aad5cb2e7b78ff2af} pure however if it is well refined it can reach levels of 99.999{8d72f7a6450a7d413eacb4850deac47744465c59d7d1194aad5cb2e7b78ff2af} which is equally good. Similarly in the manufacture of this liquid, pharmaceutical grade water should be used so that you are guaranteed quality. Similarly, the manufacturing process should be done in a certified facility. To further maintain the purity of the silver then the supplement should be stored in a dark glass bottle to prevent light.
How big the particle size is another consideration to be made. The smaller it is the better for you since it means that it will be easily converted from its inactive form to the bioactive form which the body needs and uses. The smaller particles are alps much easier and faster to absorb in the body and this increases the rate of their effect in the body. Finally, look at the PPM to see how concentrated it is.